2020(e)ko urtarrilaren 29(a), asteazkena

Ingeles Murgiltze Programa: LH6 Soncilloko barnetegian

English inmmersion course in Soncillo ( Burgos ). 

6th grade students of the Herri Eskola of Elgoibar and
the Ikastola of Intxaurrondo shared five days in Soncillo (Burgos),
with the aim of taking an English Immersion course.
A place where we were treated in a fantastic way by the center monitors:
Conor, Adam, Lisa, Drashana and Ben.

We must also mention the attention received by Paula
and the Yoli cook, as well as the responsible Rosa and Carmen.
A pleasant stay.
Thank you!
6. mailako Elgoibarko Herri Eskolako eta Intxaurrondoko ikastolako ikasleek
bost egun partekatu zituzten Soncillo ( Burgos )
herriko barnetegian,
Ingelesezko Murgiltze ikastaroa egiteko asmoz.
Zentroko begiraleek modu zoragarrian tratatu gintuzten:
Conor, Adam, Lisa, Drashana eta Ben.
Paula eta Yoli sukaldariengandik jasotako arreta ere
aipatu behar dugu, baita Rosa eta Carmen
arduradunek eskainitako laguntza ere.
Egonaldi atsegina. Eskerrik asko!

Soncillo herriko barnetegia.

Bertan ekintza ezberdinak burutzen ari gara:
Learn about diferent things:

In the morning:
Solar system

In the afetrnoon:
Music box


In the morning:
Human body

In the afetrnoon:


In the morning:
Water cycle
Environmental aweresn

In the afetrnoon:
Recycling game


In the morning:
Healthy lifstyle

In the afetrnoon:
Food tasting game

Sport & comincs / egg drop

 In the morning:
" Jeopardy "
Quiz to revise week´s content

We come back home!

iruzkinik ez:

Argitaratu iruzkina