2020(e)ko martxoaren 15(a), igandea

INGELESA etxean lan egiteko hezkuntza jarduerak

[ENG] The English teachers have developed a website for you to practice during these days. You may also receive an e-mail from your teacher giving you extra instructions. Remember that learning a language requires regular practice on reading, writing, listening and speaking.

[EUS] Ingeleseko irakasleok webgune bat sortu dugu egun hauetan hizkuntza praktikatu dezazuen. Baliteke zuen irakaslearen e-postaren bat jasotzea instrukzio gehigarriekin. Gogoan izan hizkuntza bat ikasteak maitazunez lantzea dakarrela, irakurmena, idazmena, entzumena eta ahozko adierazpena.

[CAS] Las profesoras de inglés hemos desarrollado una página web para que el alumnado practique el idioma durante estos días. Puede ser que reciban también algún e-mail con instrucciones adicionales. Recordad que el aprendizaje de un idioma requiere trabajar de manera regular la comprensión lectora y auditiva y la producción escrita y oral.


6 iruzkin:

  1. Today is (the day of the week) (the number + st/nd/rd/th) (the month) 2020.
    Tomorrow will be wendnesday.
    Yesterday was monday.
    The weather is sunny and warm. We are in spring.
    Today I am going to have a video calling with Nerea, I am going to do homerwork and in the aftermoon I am going to connet with Garazi of extra- school activities.

  2. Today is wednesday.
    Yesterday was tuesday.
    Tomorrow is thursday.
    It is 27th of May 2020.
    The weathuer is sunny and warm.
    We are in spring.
    Today in the afternoon I am going to see videos on the internet.

  3. Today is wednesday.
    Yesterday was tuesday.
    Tomorrow is thursday.
    It is 3rd of June 2020.
    The weather is cloudy.
    We are in spring.
    Today I got up and I had breakfast and then I had a video call with Nerea. After that II went to extra school classes with Garazi. Now I am going to do my missing tasks and I am going to watch TV.

  4. Today is wednesday.
    Yesterday was tuesday.
    Tomorrow is thursday.
    It is 10th of June 2020.
    The weather is cloudy and sunny
    We are in spring.
    Today I got up and I had breakfast and then I had a Shower.I saw videos and I video calling with Nerea.

  5. Today is wednesday.
    Yesterday was tuesday.
    Tomorrow is thursday.
    It is 17th of June 2020.
    The weather is cloudy and sunny
    We are in spring.
    Today I got up and I had breakfast and then I had a Shower.I saw videos and then I had a video calling with Nerea at 9:36a.m.
